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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

A non-Lorentzian View of the M5-brane

by Prof. Neil Lambert (King's College London)


In this talk we will discuss a path-integral formulation of the M5-brane (2,0) theory based upon a Lagrangian without Lorentz invariance but a novel SU(1,3) spacetime symmetry. This provides a UV complete five-dimensional field theoretic description  that we will argue can admit  a six-dimensional Lorentz invariance.

Neil got his PhD in Cambridge under the supervision of Paul Townsend. Following this he held postdoctoral positions in King’s College London, Paris ENS and Rutgers. He then became a lecturer at King’s College London and was also a staff physicist at CERN. He is currently a Professor of Theoretical Physics at King’s College London. 

Zoom Meeting:

Zoom meeting ID:963 5796 8034

Organised by

Prof. Yinan Wang