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Beyond the Energy Frontier: the changing eras of LHCb
Prof.Chris Parkes
(University of Manchester)
C305 (IHEP)
The LHCb experiment has recently completed its initial operating period (2010-2018), and has published over 450 scientific papers. Highlights of the physics output of the experiment will be reviewed, with an emphasis on recent results such as the discovery of charm CP violation, lepton flavour universality anomalies and observation of pentaquark states. The next era is now starting for LHCb. The Upgrade I experiment is being installed over the next two years for operation from 2021. This will allow a significant increase of instaneous luminosity and improve efficiencies and flexibility through the introduction of a fully software based trigger at 40MHz. Beyond this the collaboration is planning further upgrades, with a range of novel technological developments considered including “5D" calorimetry and CMOS and other silicon based tracking systems and many opportunities for involvement in the research, design and construction activities.
About the speaker:
Chris Parkes is currently deputy spokesperson of the LHCb Collaboration. He has been a member of the collaboration for more than twenty years and was one of the designers of the LHCb vertex detector (VELO) for which he was project leader during the first two years of operations. He was one of the original proponent of the LHCb Upgrade I experiment, and has led the UK’s activities, which is the largest single contributing nation, throughout the construction. He leads the collaboration’s activities on future upgrades. He has contributed across a range of physics topics with a particularly strong involvement in charm physics. Prior to LHCb, he played a leading role on measurements of physics with the W boson at the DELPHI experiment at LEP.
He is a professor at the University of Manchester, where he previously led the particle, accelerator and nuclear physics division. He was formerly an assistant and associate professor at the University of Glasgow, a fellow at CERN and at the university of Liverpool and was educated at the universities of Cambridge for undergraduate and Oxford for PhD. He was awarded the UK Institute of Physics high energy physics group prize in 2010. He is currently a CERN scientific associate.