The past, the present and the future of the Frascati National Laboratories
DrAdolfo Esposito
(INFN · Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati LNF)
A623 (IHEP)
The presentation will report
a brief history of LNF from origin to today
a description of the infrastructures currently in operation
a description of the future project
About the speaker:
Adolfo Esposito, after his degree in physics in 1976 obtained at the “Sapienza” University in Rome with the highest grades, he joined the LNF radiation protection group, where is still work as Radiation Protection Expert.
He is involved from 1981 to today in
- Radiation protection around high energy particle accelerators
Adone complex (decommissioned in 1993),
DAFNE, SPARC and FLAME presently in operation;
- Accelerators facilities design;
- Technical documentation for license request.
He is a member and INFN representative on the general assembly
of EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) with research activity in the working group WP11 ( High energy radiation field)
He is a member of ISO/TC 85/SC2 Radiation Protection with activity for standardization in the field “ Dosimetry for exposure to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft”
He is involved in the Radiation Protection Project
- of the STAR ( Southern Europe TBS for Applied Research) facility in Cosenza-South Italy
- of EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB facility at LNF
- of MariX (Multi-disciplinary Advanced Research Infrastructure for the generation and application of X-rays) facility in Milan-North Italy
- of ELI NP GBS facility in Bucharest Romania
He is qualified in Accelerators facility design (criteria for siting accelerator facility, source terms, other radiation sources, shielding design, interlock and warning devices, control of radioactivation and contamination, radioactive waste management, radiation damage, instruments and measurements, personal dosimetry, dismantling and decommissioning).
Gamma and neutron spectrometry, Solid state dosimetry (thermoluminescence, CR 39).