DrShaofeng Ge
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai)
B326 (IHEP)
Abstract: The leptonic Dirac CP phase has profound physical
consequences due to its connection with leptogenesis for explaining
the existence of matter in the Universe. To some extent, the leptonic
CP phase is even more important than the Higgs boson that provide mass
for all fundamental particles. If we cannot understand the existence
of matter, why we need to care about their mass.
I will first review the status of CP measurement and then introduce a
new proposal with muon decay at rest (muDAR). Currently, accelerator
neutrino experiments such as T2K, NOvA, and DUNE are the most
promising for CP measurement. Nevertheless, they suffer from several
problems of degeneracy, efficiency, sensitivity, and new physics such
as non-unitarity mixing (NUM) and (vector, scalar, dark) non-standard
interactions (NSI). The situation can be improved by adding a muon
decay at rest (muDAR) source. With T2(H)K running in neutrino mode and
muDAR in anti-neutrino mode, both using the same detector, the CP
measurement becomes more precise can break the degeneracy between
\delta and 180^o - \delta. Most importantly, muDAR can guarantee the
CP sensitivity against NUM and NSI. The same configuration can also
apply to next-generation medium baseline reactor neutrino experiments
like JUNO and RENO-50, enhancing their physics potential from just
mass hierarchy to also CP. With only one source and no extra
detectors, this dessign is much better than DAEdLAS which requires 3
sources, but only 20% duty factor and 4 times higher luminosity for
Jarah Evslin, SFG, Kaoru Hagiwara, JHEP 1602 (2016) 137 [arXiv:1506.05023]
SFG, Pedro Pasquini, Mariam Tortola, Jose W.F. Valle, Phys.Rev. D95
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SFG, Alexei Smirnov, JHEP 1610 (2016) 138 [arXiv:1607.08513]
SFG, NuPhys 2016 [arXiv:1704.08518]
SFG, Stephen Parke, accepted by PRL [arXiv:1812.08376]
SFG, Hitoshi Murayama [arXiv:1904.02518]