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Electroweak phase transition with composite Higgs models: calculability, gravitational waves and collider searches
DrKepan Xie
(Seoul National University)
B105 (CHEP)
West Building, School of Physics, PKU
We study the strong first order electroweak phase transition (SFOEWPT) with the $SO(6)/SO(5)$ composite Higgs model, whose scalar sector contains one Higgs doublet and one real singlet. Six benchmark models are built with fermion embeddings in \1, \6, and \1\5 of $SO(6)$. We show that SFOEWPT cannot be triggered under the minimal Higgs potential hypothesis, which assumes the scalar potential is dominated by the form factors from the lightest composite resonances. To get a SFOEWPT, the contributions from local operators induced by physics above the cutoff scale are needed. We take the $\6+\6$ model as an example to investigate the gravitational waves prediction and the related collider phenomenology.