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22–25 Oct 2019
Grand Nest Hotel
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The second LHAASO collaboration meeting in 2019 will be held from 22-25 Oct. in Zhuhai China. This biannual meeting is to gather people from many institutes and universities, which work on the LHAASO program in China, to discuss the progress of project construction and scientific & technological research.

The on-site registration date of this meeting is 22nd October and the close date is 25th Oct. This meeting is organized by Sun Yat-sen University and IHEP. Accommodation will be arranged by the local conference committee.

The registration is free for this meeting. Travel and lodging expenses are covered by the participants themselves. Please register at the conference website https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/10518/.  The deadline is Sep. 15th, 2019.

 Conference venue: Grand Nest Hotel, Zhuhai, China

Grand Nest Hotel