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13–17 Dec 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone
While nuclear structures and nuclear reactions at intermediate-to-high energies are normally considered as two distinct subfields of nuclear physics, merging them constructively may reveal interesting new physics important to both subfields. In particular, nuclear structures were considered of little relevance to high-energy heavy-ion collisions in the past. It has recently been realized, however, that nuclear structures do leave interesting fingerprints in the final state of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In fact, some of the structure effects are rather important for precision measurements and interpretations of reaction observables. Those measurements, in turn, could help solve some of the difficult problems in nuclear structure studies, such as, the neutron skin thickness and nuclear symmetry energy. Moreover, these nuclear properties have important implications also for understanding the mysterious properties of neutron stars and extracting new physics from gravitational waves from their mergers. This workshop will bring together theorists and experimentalists from both nuclear structure and reaction communities to exchange ideas and discuss physics of mutual interests. The scientific program will include broad talks of relevant subjects and talks of focused interests. We hope that this workshop and future workshops on this topic will stimulate interests and progresses, sharpen our understanding of current problems, foster interdisciplinary collaborations, and trigger future discoveries in both nuclear structures and reactions. The workshop will be organized by Huzhou University in Huzhou during December 13-17, 2019. Venue details are being worked out, and will be included in a future communication. Please mark your calendar and join us at this workshop in Huzhou. Organizing Committee: 陈列文(上海交通大学)、Bao-An Li(Texas A&M University-Commerce)、李庆峰(湖州师范学院)、马余刚(复旦大学)、王福强(湖州师范学院,Chair)、许甫荣(北京大学)、张丰收(北京师范大学) Local Organizing Committee: 刘艳鑫(湖州师范学院)、沈彩万(湖州师范学院,Chair)、王福强(湖州师范学院)、王建松(湖州师范学院)、王永佳(湖州师范学院)、朱祥荣(湖州师范学院) Workshop secretary: 王永佳:wangyongjia@zjhu.edu.cn、孙宇梁:sunyl@zjhu.edu.cn
NO.555,Laodong Road, Wuxing Area,Huzhou,Zhejiang 313000,China