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Constraints on neutrino electromagnetic properties from COHERENT elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering

18 Aug 2021, 11:40
Oral report 4. 中微子物理、粒子天体物理与宇宙学 Parallel Session IV:Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology




Neutrino electromagnetic properties are import windows in neutrino physics to go beyond the Standard Model. The coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering process is a powerful probe of the neutrino electromagnetic properties, which was first observed in 2017 at the COHERENT experiment by the cesium-iodide (CsI) detector and later in 2020 at the argon (Ar) detector. In this talk, we present the constraints of neutrino electromagnetic properties from COHERENT CsI and Ar data, including the neutrino charge radii, millicharges and magnetic moments. The combined CsI and Ar limits are also obtained, and compared with other experimental results. We show that the COHERENT data can provide competitive constraints of the neutrino charge radii, in particular for the muon neutrino related components.

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