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Inclusive search for \Xi_{bc}

17 Aug 2021, 14:20
Oral report 2. 强子物理与味物理 Parallel Session II:Hadron and Flavor Physics


Dr Qin Qin (华中科技大学(HUST))


We propose to search for the doubly-heavy baryon $\Xi_{bc}$ via the inclusive $\Xi_{bc} \to \Xi_{cc} + X$ decay with a displaced vertex. We calculate its decay width and find it at the order of $10^{-13}$ GeV. We also estimate that hundreds of signal events are expected to be observed at the LHCb RUN3.

Primary author

Dr Qin Qin (华中科技大学(HUST))


Prof. Fu-Sheng Yu (Lanzhou University) Prof. Wei Wang (Shanghai JiaoTong University) Mr Yuji Shi (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Presentation materials