Hongxi Xing
(South China Normal University)
We present a systematic quantum algorithm, which integrates both the hadronic state preparation and the evaluation of the real-time light-front correlations, to study the parton distribution functions (PDFs). As a proof-of-concept, we realize the first direct simulation of the PDFs in the 1+1 dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We show the results obtained by numerical diagonalization and by quantum computation using classical hardware. The agreement between these two distinct methods and the qualitative consistency with the QCD PDFs validate the proposed quantum algorithms. Our work suggests the feasibility of calculating the QCD PDFs on current and near-term quantum devices. The presented quantum algorithm is expected to have many applications in high energy particle and nuclear physics.
Primary author
Hongxi Xing
(South China Normal University)
Dan-Bo Zhang
(South China Normal University)
Enke Wang
(South China Normal University)
Shi-Liang Zhu
(South China Normal University)
Tianyin Li
(South China Normal University)
Wai-Kin Lai
(South China Normal University)
Xiaohui Liu
(Beijing Normal University)
Xingyu Guo
(South China Normal University)