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Dibaryon with highest charm number near unitarity from lattice QCD

17 Aug 2021, 09:30
Oral report 2. 强子物理与味物理 Parallel Session II:Hadron and Flavor Physics


Hui Tong (s)


A pair of triply charmed baryons, $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$, is studied as an ideal dibaryon system by (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD with nearly physical light-quark masses and the relativistic heavy quark action with the physical charm quark mass. The spatial baryon-baryon correlation is related to their scattering parameters on the basis of the HAL QCD method. The $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ in the ${^1S_0}$ channel taking into account the Coulomb repulsion with the charge form factor of $\Omega_{ccc}$ leads to the scattering length $a^{\rm C}_0\simeq -19~\text{fm}$ and the effective range $r^{\rm C}_{\mathrm{eff}}\simeq 0.45~\text{fm}$. The ratio $r^{\rm C}_{\mathrm{eff}}/a^{\rm C}_0 \simeq -0.024$, whose magnitude is considerably smaller than that of the dineutron ($-0.149$), indicates that $\Omega_{ccc}\Omega_{ccc}$ is located in the unitary regime.

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