PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

QCD phase structure at finite temperature and density within the functional renormalization group approach

by Prof. Weijie Fu (Dalian University of Technology)

B105 (CHEP)



West Building, School of Physics, PKU
In this talk I will present the recent studies of the phase structure of QCD for Nf=2 and Nf=2+1 dynamical quark flavours at finite temperature and baryon chemical potential. It emerges dynamically from the underlying fundamental interactions between quarks and gluons. To this end, starting from the perturbative high-energy regime, we systematically integrate-out quantum fluctuations towards low energies by using the functional renormalization group. By dynamically hadronizing the dominant interaction channels responsible for the formation of light mesons and quark condensates, we are able to extract the phase diagram for μB/T≲6. We find a critical endpoint at (T_CEP,μB_CEP)=(107,635)MeV. The curvature of the phase boundary at small chemical potential is κ=0.0142(2), computed from the renormalized light chiral condensate Δ_{l,R}. Furthermore, we find indications for an inhomogeneous regime in the vicinity and above the chiral transition for μB≳417 MeV. Where applicable, our results are in very good agreement with the most recent lattice results. We also compare to results from other functional methods and phenomenological freeze-out data. This indicates that a consistent picture of the phase structure at finite baryon chemical potential is beginning to emerge. The systematic uncertainty of our results grows large in the density regime around the critical endpoint and I will discuss necessary improvements of our current approximation towards a quantitatively precise determination of QCD phase diagram. Ref. Wei-jie Fu, Jan M. Pawlowski, Fabian Rennecke, arXiv:1909.02991 [hep-ph] 报告人简介: 付伟杰,大连理工大学物理学院教授,博士生导师。2004年毕业于大连理工大学物理系,获学士学位。2009年毕业于北京大学物理学院,获理论物理博士学位。2009年7月至2011年8月在中国科学院理论物理研究所从事博士后研究,2011年8月至2013年10月在加拿大Brandon University从事博士后研究,2014年3月至2016年6月获德国洪堡基金会资助,在德国海德堡大学从事博士后研究。于2016年7月回国,入职大连理工大学物理学院。主要从事的研究领域包括:中高能核物理、相对论重离子碰撞、极端条件下QCD的性质,近年来主要专注于QCD泛函重整化群的研究。
  • Hai-Ling Lao
  • 昊 ZHANG