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Recent progress of hyper-nuclear physics.

by Prof. Emiko Hiyama (Kyushu University)

B326 (IHEP)



Abstract: During a decade, hypernuclear physics has been developing by many experimental data from J-PARC and JLAB. One of the main purpose in hypernuclear physics is obtain information on Baryon-Baryon interaction from hypernuclear structure. Here, I will overview of hypernuclear physics and future prospect. About the speaker: Prof. Emiko Hiyama (Kyushu University ) 1998: PhD in Kyushu Univ. 1998-2000. PD in RIKEN 2000-2004 research associate at KEK. 2004-2008 associate professor in Nara Women's Univ. 2008-2017 associate chief scientist in RIKEN 2017- full professor in Kyushu Univ. 2017- group director in RIKEN