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Direct CP violation in hadronic charmed meson decays

by Prof. Hai-Yang Cheng (Academia Sinica)

B326 (IHEP)



Abstract: Direct CP violation in the hadronic charm decays provides a good testing ground for the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism in the Standard Model. Any significant deviations from the expectation would be indirect evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. Recently, LHCb has announced the first observation of CP violation in the charm sector. It is most important to explore whether this observation of CP noninvariance is consistent with the standard model or not. We analyze D to PP and VP decays in the topological diagram approach. Our prediction for the CP asymmetry difference between K+K- and pi+pi- modes is consistent with the latest data. Moreover, we suggest an attractive and measurable observable in the VP sector. 摘要: Direct CP violation in the hadronic charm decays provides a good testing ground for the KobayashiMaskawa mechanism in the Standard Model. Any significant deviations from the expectation would be indirect evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. Rece-ntly, LHCb has announced the first observation of CP violation in the charm sector. It is most important to explore whether this observation of CP noninvariance is consistent with the standard model or not. We analyze D to PP and VP decays in the topological diagram approach. Our prediction for the CP asymmetry difference between K+K- and pi+pi- modes is consistent with the latest data. Moreover, we suggest an attractive and measurable observable in the VP sector. 报告人简介: 郑海扬,台湾中研院物理所特聘研究员。1980年获得美国普渡大学物理学博士学位,随后在普渡大学,布兰迪斯大学、印第安纳大学从事研究工作,1988年到台湾中研院物理所任研究员,2012年起任特聘研究员。曾任中研院物理所副所长,Chinese Journal of Physics 主编,台湾国科会自然科学处顾问委员,先后荣获国科会杰出奖,教育部学术奖,美国物理学会杰出审稿人等荣誉。郑海扬研究员多年来一直致力于重味物理的QCD和唯像学研究,在Phys.Rept.、Phys.Rev.D等主流期刊发表专业学术论文190篇,H因子56,引用超10000次,其中关于重夸克对称性和手征动力学的工作单篇引用600余次,另有19篇理论工作引用过百。