中国高能核物理网络论坛 (High Energy Nuclear Physics in China, HENPIC)

Central China Normal University

Central China Normal University

Hongxi Xing (South China Normal University) , Hua Pei (Central China Normal University) , Jinhui Chen (Fudan University) , Xianglei Zhu (Tsinghua University) , Xiaofeng Luo (Central China Normal University) , Yi Yin (IMP)



The e-Forum on High-energy Nuclear Physics in China (HENPIC) is created to promote discussions and collaborations on high-energy nuclear physics in China and abroad. HENPIC hosts online events such as colloquiums, seminars, and topical discussions. Currently, the regular seminar time is 10:30 am, Thurs, Beijing time every two weeks. Special times can be arranged in exceptional situations. 

Zoom: via web browser Chrome or Firefox through Or using ID: 421173735 with zoom software/app . 

Mailing list: To receive future seminar announcements, please subscribe to the HENPIC mailing list by sending an email to: with the Subject: subscribe . To remove your email from the mailing list, send the email to: with Subject: unsubscribe

Slides and Recodings: can be downloaded from: access code: p385

Seminar Schedule 2024

(Unless specified otherwise, the time refers to Beijing time)

#212 Seminar: LHCb results

Jia-Yin Sun (INFN)

Time: 3:30 pm, June. 27

#211 Seminar: Energy-energy correlator and jet

Zong Yang (CCNU)

Time: 10:30 am, June. 13

#210 Topicial discussion: Magnetic field and heavy-ion collisions

Exp: Di-Yu Shen (Fudan U.)

Theory: Li Yan (Fudan U.)

Time: 10:30 am, May. 23

#209 Seminar: Recent progress in nuclear structure and heavy-ion collisions

Chun-Jian Zhang (Stony Brook U.)

Time: 10:30 am, May. 9

#208 Colloquium: Machine Learning and Lattice field theory

Gert Aarts (Swansea University)

Time: 3:30 pm, Apr. 25 Note the special time

#207 Topical discussion: Collectivity in high-multiplicity jets

Wei Li (Rice U.): experimental status

Wenbin Zhao (LBNL): recent theoertical progress

Time:  10:30 am, Apr. 18

#206 Seminar: Recent heavy flavor results from CMS and SPHENIX

Zhaozhong Shi (LANL)

Time: 10:30 am, Mar. 21

#205 Seminar:  Jets in expanding QGP

Andrey Sadofyev (LIP Lisboa)

Time: 3:30 pm, Mar. 7 Note the special time

#204 Colloquium: Spin in Quantum Theory

Xiangdong Ji (Maryland U.)

Time:  10:30 am, Feb. 22


#203 Seminar: Are gluon showers inside a quark-gluon plasma strongly coupled?

Omar Elgedawy (SCNU)

Time: 10:30 am, Feb. 1st

#202 Seminar: Evolution of topological charge through chiral anomaly transport

Zilin Yuan (UCAS)

Time: 10:30 am, Jan. 18th

#201 Seminar: Quantum stress within hadrons

Yang Li (USTC)

Time: 10:30 am, Jan. 4th

To nominate or volunteer future speakers on the HENPIC e-Forum, please fill the form at :


Those talks very earlier can also be found at : Or you can download their copy at: access code: vmgj


Contact : Xiaofeng Luo
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