
Hunting Dark Matter in DarkSide

by Dr Yi Wang

B326 (IHEP)



The DarkSide project is aiming to use a dual-phase argon detector to search WIMP-like dark matter. The DarkSide-50 detector, which has been run at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) since 2013, demonstrated its capability to operate in a background-free mode for searching both high mass and low mass dark matter. DarkSide-20k, as the next generation detector, has the capability to push the sensitivity for WIMP detection several orders of magnitude beyond current levels. It will have ultra-low backgrounds and sensitivity to WIMP-nucleon cross section down to 1.2 x 10$^{47}$ cm$^2$ for WIMPs of 1 TeV/c$^2$ mass with a LAr exposure of 100 t yr. The DarkSide-20k project is currently under construction at LNGS. Its prototype detector, DarkSide Proto_1ton, is being developed at CERN. About the speaker: Dr. Yi Wang, is currently a postdoctoral research in the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Wang has been working in the field of noble liquid detector since 2011. He has joined the DarkSide Collaboration since 2013, mainly focusing on the TPC and data analysis of the DarkSide-50 detector. He is now leading the development of the underground argon cryogenic system and the TPC for the DarkSide-20k detector, and constructing a 1-ton prototype at CERN. ---------------- TencentMeeting ID: 809 265 000 Or join the meeting by clicking the link: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/wk6z3Tv70JMi