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Snowmass EF08 general meeting

会议主题:Snowmass EF08 kickoff meeting 会议时间:Friday 9:30-11:30 (bi-weekly) 点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/YSTVV57LkwK1 会议 ID:943 988 748 手机一键拨号入会 +8675536550000,,943988748# (中国大陆) +85230018898,,,2,943988748# (中国香港) 根据您的位置拨号 +8675536550000 (中国大陆) +85230018898 (中国香港)
    • 1
      Snowmass EF08 Introduction
      Speakers: Dr Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University) , Prof. Tianjun Li (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) , Dr 庄胥爱 ZHUANG Xuai (高能所)
    • 2
      Contribution from IHEP+NKU
      Speakers: ChenZheng Zhu (S) , Dr Da Xu (IHEP, Beijing) , Mr Huajie Cheng (高能所) , Jiarong Yuan (NKU+IHEP) , Dr 庄胥爱 ZHUANG Xuai (高能所)
    • 3
      Contribution from ITP
      Speaker: Prof. Tianjun Li (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • 4
      Contribution from NJNU
      Speaker: Dr Lei Wu (Nanjing Normal University)
    • 5
      SUSY model global fit
      Speaker: Dr Yang Zhang (Monash Univ.)
    • 6
      Contribution from SHJU
      Speakers: Michael Ramsey-Musolf (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Prof. 数 李 (李政道研究所/上海交通大学)