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LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

18 Aug 2020, 09:00


Tianfu New Area, Chengu, China


LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: Session 1

  • Huihai He (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: Session 2

  • Yaodong CHENG (IHEP)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: Session 3

  • Hongbo HU ()

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: Session 4

  • Benzhong Dai ()

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Cunfeng Feng (山东大学)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Jirong Mao (YNAO)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Hui ZHU (国家天文台)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Ruoyu LIU (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Shuwang CUI (河北师范大学)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Hao Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Huanyu JIA (Institute of Modern Physics, Southwest Jiaotong University)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Lili Yang (AFS)

LHAASO Collaboration Meeting: LHAASO Collaboration Meeting

  • Tian-lu CHEN (Physics Department of Science School,Tibet university)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Zhen Cao (高能所)
18/08/2020, 09:00
Dr Hongkui LV
18/08/2020, 09:15
Mr gang XIAO (高能所)
18/08/2020, 09:35
Dr mingjun Chen (IHEP,CAS)
18/08/2020, 09:55
Dr Shoushan Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics)
18/08/2020, 10:40
Prof. Xingtao Huang (Shandong University)
18/08/2020, 11:05
Prof. chengguang zhu (Shandong Univ)
18/08/2020, 11:30
Dr Qingbao HU (高能所)
18/08/2020, 11:55
Mr songzhan(松战) CHEN(陈) (中科院高能物理研究所)
18/08/2020, 14:00
Dr Min Zha (高能所)
18/08/2020, 14:32
Liqiao Yin
18/08/2020, 15:04
zhangyi (高能所)
18/08/2020, 15:50
Dr Siming Liu (Purple Mountain Observatory)
18/08/2020, 16:22
Prof. Li Zhang (Yunnan University)
18/08/2020, 16:54
Prof. Xiang-Yu Wang (Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University, China)
19/08/2020, 09:00
LI Cong (高能所)
19/08/2020, 09:25
WU Sha (高能所)
19/08/2020, 09:47
Ms Lingyu Wang (高能所)
19/08/2020, 11:05
Dr Qiang Yuan (Purple Mountain Observatory)
19/08/2020, 11:49
LI Cong (高能所)
19/08/2020, 14:44
Ruizhi YANG (University of Science and Technology of China)
19/08/2020, 15:06
ZHAO Shiping (高能所)
19/08/2020, 15:40
Maoyuan Liu (Tibet University)
19/08/2020, 17:20
Cong SHI
19/08/2020, 17:35
Prof. Zhongxiang Wang (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
20/08/2020, 09:00
Mrs Hanrong WU (高能所)
20/08/2020, 09:25
Zongkang ZENG
20/08/2020, 10:40
Shicong HU (高能所)
20/08/2020, 11:00
Guangman Xiang (S)
20/08/2020, 11:20
WANG Xiaojie (高能所)
20/08/2020, 11:40
LIN Sujie (高能所)
20/08/2020, 12:00
Yuhua YAO (高能所)
20/08/2020, 14:00
yuncheng Nan (高能所)
20/08/2020, 14:40
Guanda He (Kuming Univ.)
20/08/2020, 15:00
Ms jiali liu (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
20/08/2020, 15:50
Dr Quanbu Gou (IHEP, CAS, China)
20/08/2020, 16:30
Fengrong Zhu (IHEP) , Junji Xia (Southwest Jiaotong Univ.)
20/08/2020, 16:50
Hu LIU (Southwest Jiaotong Univ.)
21/08/2020, 09:44
Dr lingling Ma (ihep)
21/08/2020, 10:06
Building timetable...