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On-line seminar series on “RHIC Beam Energy Scan: Theory and Experiment”


Challenges and opportunities in flow studies 

Speaker: Prof. Jiangyong Jia (Stony Brook University)

Time: Aug 18(Tuesday) 10:00am (New York), 7:00am (San Fransisco), 4:00pm (Frankfurt) 7:30pm(New Delhi), 10:00pm (Beijing), 11:00pm (Tokyo)

Abstract: Flow measurements and model studies over the last 20 years have revolutionized our understanding of the dynamics of the heavy-ion collisions and properties of the QCD matter created at RHIC and the LHC. This talk will describe the current mainstream paradigm coming out of these efforts, identify the challenges in achieving precision description of the dynamics and properties of the QCD matter, and discuss crucial opportunities for further improvement.

Chair: Ulrich Heinz

ZOOM link: Please register here, the ZOOM link will be send in the comming Monday by group email. By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.


Material link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nibzwIH5tHWXM-T4F3oQAw

Onedrive link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ar4LrhZS__MAgicXsaDfiY00FeJN?e=eGhrmO

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