Speaker: Prof. Shen Chun (Wayne State U.)
Time: Aug 25(Tuesday) 10:00am (New York), 7:00am (San Fransisco), 4:00pm (Frankfurt) 7:30pm(New Delhi), 10:00pm (Beijing), 11:00pm (Tokyo)
Abstract: Quantifying the phase structure of QCD matter is one of the primary
questions in relativistic heavy-ion physics. Measurements from a beam
energy scan of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and future FAIR experiments
provide us with a unique opportunity to quantitatively study the nature
of the QCD phase transition from hadron gas to the QGP at different net
baryon densities. To establish definitive links between observables and
structures in the phase diagram, we need detailed dynamical modeling of
all stages of heavy-ion collisions. Precise flow measurements of the
hadronic final state, together with phenomenological studies, can
quantify the collective aspects of the baryon-rich QGP and extract the
QGP transport properties, such as its viscosity and charge diffusion
coefficients. In the meantime, the quantitative dynamical modeling of
relativistic heavy-ion collisions paves a foundation to elucidate the
out-of-equilibrium dynamics of stochastic fluctuations related to the
critical phenomena. In this talk, I will review the recent developments
in developing comprehensive theoretical frameworks in our community to
confront various measurements in the RHIC BES programs.
Chair: Hannah Elfner
ZOOM link: Please register here, the ZOOM link will be send in the comming Monday by group email. By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.
Material link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GotwATnh_YoffAVTNqvqqg
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