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CEPC calorimeter software meeting

Live Note: https://jupyter.ihep.ac.cn/znIBPUSNQpi2uXaN-P5xmw
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      G4 full simulation of a single crystal bar
      Speakers: Dr Yong Liu (Institute of High Energy Physics) , 宝华 齐 (高能所)

      CEPC calorimeter software meeting

      Time: 9:00-10:15, 9 Sep, 2020
      Participants: 刘勇,刘春秀,李刚,李波,方文兴,齐宝华,王悦心,郭方毅,傅成栋,孙胜森,伍灵慧
      indico: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/12608/

      Minutes (Linghui, Yong):

      • Two pesentations:

        • G4 full simulation of a single crystal bar
        • ECAL geometry construction with DD4Hep
      • Results from the G4 full simulation of a single crystal bar (YL, Baohua Qi)

        • General info on the G4 full simulation
          • Geometry: a single 40x1x1 cm^3 crystal bar, read out by 2 SiPMs at both ends
          • Properties: BGO, SiPM, wrapping
          • Optical photon processes
        • Focus on the timing performance, esp. on the rise edge of detected photons
        • Results in 3 (typical) scenarios
          • Time stamps of detected photons (within the 0-30ns time window)
          • Time stamps of the 1st detected photon per event (T_1st)
          • Time differences of T_1st at both ends
        • Discussions
          • Wrapping: LUT models for surfaces (Chengdong)
          • Tail in the T_1st spectra: originated from (slow) BGO scintillation, or geometric effect?
            • Stimulated many discussions
          • Timing resolution versus positioning resolution, at different incident positions
          • Acceptance: larger SiPM?
            • To be done
      • ECAL geometry construction with DD4Hep (Fangyi Guo)

        • Implementation of crystal ECAL with DD4Hep:
          • Barrel ECAL done
        • Discussions
          • Tool(s) to check geometry overlap
          • Gap: 0.7mm in the even layers
            • Further discussions on the space needed by the hardware (SiPM, PCB, FE-electronics/ASICs, cooling)
          • Endcap ECAL implementation? (Yong)
            • Shengsen: not considered at this stage, curretnly focusing on the barrel performance
      • Action items

        • G4 full simulation
          • Need to increase statistics: e.g. from 30 to 1k events
          • 100% coverage with 10x10mm SiPM at both ends
          • Modelling of ~2ns rise time of BGO scintillation -> check the impact on timing
          • LUT models for the crystal wrapping -> collection efficiency, timing
          • Timing resolution and #(detected photons) at different hit positions
          • Investigate the origin of tails in T_1st spectra


    • 2
      ECAL geometry
      Speakers: Chengdong FU (IHEP) , Fangyi Guo