1. IE browser is NOT supported anymore. Please use Chrome, Firefox or Edge instead.
2. If you are a new user, please register to get an IHEP SSO account through https://login.ihep.ac.cn/registlight.jsp Any questions, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn or call 88236855.
3. If you need to create a conference in the "Conferences, Workshops and Events" zone, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn.
4. The max file size allowed for upload is 100 Mb.
26–28 Oct 2020
Asia/Shanghai timezone


Registration Form

Opened 25 Sep 2020
Closed 18 Jun 2024
Registration fee

Please register an IHEP SSO account (if you don't have one) before you can make online registration. Miss. Yaru Wu at IHEP can be the contact person, - email address: wuyaru@ihep.ac.cn - phone number: 86-10-88235843 Registration fee - RMB 1600 / person for in-person partipants, to be paid on site (现场支付注册费) - NO registration fee for online partipants Conference venue and accommodation - Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World (上海新世界丽笙大酒店, 南京西路88号) - Online hotel reservation for CEPC partipants will be available soon, please be patient !

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.