PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

New approaches to explore dark matter by radio signals and gravitational waves

by Prof. Fapeng Huang (Sun Yat-sen University)



Motivated by the absence of dark matter signals at dark matter direct search and LHC, we study new approaches to explore dark matter by radio and gravitational waves signals. For very light dark matter, they can resonantly convert into radio signals in the pulsar magnetosphere or solar corona, and then be detected by SKA/FAST. For heavy dark matter, they could be produced during a strong first-order phase transition and detected by gravitational wave signals. Introduction of the speaker: 黄发朋 主要研究方向为粒子宇宙学,相变引力波, 2010-2015年北京大学博士,2015-2017高能所博士后,2017-2019韩国基础科学研究院博士后研究员,2019-2021美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学博士后研究员,2021中山大学天琴中心“百人计划”副教授,博导。 Online Tencent/VOOV meeting: 会议 ID:722 105 920