
Testbeam and telescope for the performance study of particle detector

by Dr Yi Liu

IHEP main building

IHEP main building

ABSTRACT: A particle beam line with a well defined momentum spread, energy and particle rate can be used to study the detector performance. A beam telescope is a reference tracker which can be used to tag the presence of a particle and to reconstruct its trajectory. It is one of the most important and equally demanding infrastructure at any test beam facility. Its main purpose is to provide reference particle track information of test beam particles to the test beam users, which allows to measure the performance of the so-called device-under-test (DUT). These DUTs are typically newly developed tracking detector elements. In this report, the development of the ADENIUM beam telescope at DESY Hamburg is presented. Currently, the ADENIUM beam telescope has been deployed at the DESYII testbeam facility as update of EUDET-type telescopes. The DESYII testbeam facility offers electron/positron beams with user-selectable momenta from 1-6 GeV. The ADENIUM beam telescope could provides track position precision down to 6 um at 5 GeV beam particle energy. About the speaker: 刘义博士,Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron(DESY) 博士后 (2016 年 - 2021 年),从事粒子束流硅像素望远 镜系统的设计和 ATLAS 硅微条探测器升级,2015 年博士毕于中科院高能所。 Meeting Room: A419 Zoom Link: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/88305248162?pwd=cDNCekNLWDJ2WXRiY05IcTZZL3l1dz09 Zoon ID: 88305248162 Passed: 682353