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15–19 Nov 2010
Nanning, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The Next Generation

16 Nov 2010, 14:00
Nanning, China

Nanning, China


Matti Heikinheimo (University of Jyväskylä)


Results on non-sequential Standard Model (SM) -like matter
generations, published in
[1], will be reviewed. We consider two realistic models for
dynamical electroweak
symmetry breaking: the minimal (MWT) [2] and next to minimal
walking technicolor
(NMWT) [3] model. New SM-like matter arises due to
cancellation of the global and
gauge anomalies associated with the strongly interacting
sector responsible for the
electroweak symmetry breaking. This leads to concrete models
non-sequential generations of SM-like matter. We constrain
the parameter space of
these models by analysing the electroweak precision
parameters S, T and U, and find
the models viable in the light of the existing electroweak
data. The relevant
experimental signals to look for at the LHC are outlined.

[1] O. Antipin, M. Heikinheimo and K. Tuominen,
arXiv:1002.1872 [hep-ph].
[2] F. Sannino and K. Tuominen, arXiv:hep-ph/0405209.
[3] A. Belyaev, R. Foadi, M. T. Frandsen, M. Jarvinen, F.
Sannino and A. Pukhov,
arXiv:0809.0793 [hep-ph].

Primary authors

Dr Kimmo Tuominen (University of Jyväskylä) Matti Heikinheimo (University of Jyväskylä) Dr Oleg Antipin (University of Jyväskylä)

Presentation materials