Spin matrix theory as non-relativistic limit of N=4 SYM
DrYang Lei
B105 (CHEP)
We consider limits of N = 4 super-Yang-Mills (SYM) theory that approach BPS bounds. These limits result in non-relativistic theories that describe the effective dynamics near the BPS bounds and upon quantization are known as Spin Matrix Theories. The near-BPS theories can be obtained by reducing N = 4 SYM on a three-sphere and integrating out the fields that become non-dynamical in the limits. I will present various SU(1,1) and SU(1,2) types of subsectors in this limit.
We finally analyse the symmetry structure of the sectors in view of an interpretation of the interactions in terms of fundamental blocks.
Dr. Yang Lei got his Bachelor degrees in the Yuanpei College in Peking University, with major in physics and math.
He moved to Durham University in UK for PhD study, under the supervisor of professor Simon Ross.
After he acquired PhD degree in 2016, he joined ITP-CAS as postdoc fellow under the supervision of Prof Wei Li.
He did his second postdoc under the joint support of both University of Witwatersrand in South Africa and Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark, under the supervision of Prof. Vishnu Jejjala and Prof. Niels Obers.
He is currently the special Research assistant in KITS-UCAS.
Tecent meeting:
Meeting ID:238-678-313