PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

From quark to jet: a “modern” perspective

by Prof. Huaxing Zhu (Zhejiang University)



As we know it today, the fundamental constituent of proton and neutron is quark. Due to confinement, bare quark has never been observed in the laboratory. However, quark produce at higher energy manifest itself as a collimated spray of hadrons, called jet. In the first part of this talk, I will review the historical development in the theory of QCD jet. In the second part I will first introduce energy correlation functions as a new tool for understanding the structure of jet. Then I will show several applications using this tool. About the speaker: HuaXing Zhu is a junior faculty member at Zhejiang University. He obtained his PhD from Peking University in 2012, after which he spent 5 years as a postdoc at SLAC and MIT. He is mainly interested in quantum field theory and its application to high energy colliders. He has published 60 papers, including 10 in Physical Review Letters. He is the recipient of 2020 Qiushi young scholar award by Qiushi Science and Technologies Foundation. Tecent Meeting: Meeting ID:396-210-082