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Track reconstruction and beyond

by Dr Xiaocong Ai (DESY)

Reconstruction of the trajectories of charged particles, i.e. tracking, is the most fundamental and computationally expensive component of data reconstruction in particle and nuclear physics. In particular, a much more challenging tracking environment is expected at future hadron colliders such as the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), Highly performant tracking software exploiting both innovative tracking algorithms and modern computing architectures with many cores and accelerators are necessary to maintain and improve the tracking performance, and hence not to compromise the physics performance. In this talk, I will first introduce the role of tracking in HEP event processing, the basic concepts of tracking, and the incoming tracking challenges. Then I will focus on A Common Tracking Software (ACTS) project, which aims for developing a detector-independent tracking software that can be used for various particle and nuclear experiments, and providing a platform for R&D on exploiting innovative algorithms such as Machine Learning based tracking algorithms, and modern computing architectures such as GPU. The application examples of ACTS for experiments will be highlighted. I will also talk about how tracking could be used for detector alignment. About the speaker: Dr. Xiaocong Ai is a postdoctoral fellow at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). She is currently leading the SM measurement of WZү cross section at 13 TeV at the ATLAS experiment. Meanwhile, she has been a core developer of the ACTS software for almost three years and developed the first track fitting, track finding and detector alignment algorithms in ACTS. She joined this project in early 2019 when she became a postdoctoral scholar in University of California, Berkeley. Before that, she worked on the ATLAS Phase II Upgrade Software project and CEPC project, and made crucial contribution to development of software for both ATLAS and CEPC detector characterization via testbeam and ATLAS offline reconstruction as a postdoc at IHEP, CAS. She got her Ph.D. in 2016 in IHEP and focused on the physics analyses of light hadron spectroscopy and charmonium-like states using Partial Wave Analysis techniques at BESIII experiment. -------------------------- Zoom ID: 83031893999 with password 188344 Zoom link: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/83031893999?pwd=clAzdG1ZcjBiU3R0TU5xSE5VT1g5Zz09