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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Semileptonic decay in hadron physics

by Prof. Xianwei Kang (Beijing Normal Uniersity)

B105 (CHEP)



The semileptonic decay avoids the complicated final state interactions of the nonleptonic decay, and thus is often used to extract CKM matrix elements and examine the SM or searching for new physics, e.g., via the lepton flavor universality violation. In this talk, I will introduce several theoretical tools to calculate the form factors. Then various physical observables are predicted. The experimental status will be introduced as well. 个人简介: 康现伟,北京师范大学副教授,核科院教学委员会委员。2014年于德国波恩大学获得博士学位后,在德国于利希研究中心、西班牙穆尔西亚大学、台湾中研院等单位从事博士后研究或访学。主要从事强子物理中的散射、共振态性质、形状因子的计算及衰变等研究。近年来也关注暗物质的探测等理论方面的预研。 Tecnet Meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/GkC31FTFqOMc Meeting ID:782-903-790