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Weakly-interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter has been the leading paradigm for decades, but experimental searches for non-gravitational signatures of WIMPs have not found any positive evidence yet, which motivates us to think about new frameworks for dark matter and new strategies to search for it.
My talk consists of two directions going beyond WIMP. First, I will introduce a new development in an effective field theory of helium superfluid. This is the first step of a long project to build a dark matter direct detection detector using superfluid 4He to search for sub-GeV dark matter. The other part of my talk will introduce a new paradigm, where DM is made up of a novel form of matter, called “gapped continuum”, rather than an ordinary particle.
About the speaker:
Education and Professional Experience
• Postdoctoral fellow in Theoretical Physics 2017 Sep. - 2019 Sep. CERN Geneva, Switzerland
• Postdoctoral associate in Theoretical Physics 2014 Sep. - 2017 Sep. Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT Cambridge, MA
• Postdoctoral fellow in Theoretical Physics 2012 Oct. - 2014 Sep. INFN / SISSA Trieste, Italy
• PhD in Theoretical Physics 2009 Jan. - 2012 Sep. McGill University Montreal, Canada
• Master of Science in Theoretical Physics 2005 Sep. - 2008 Aug. Peking University Beijing, China
• Bachelor of Engineering, Civil Engineering 2001 Sep. - 2005 Jul. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai, China
• Assistant Professor 2019 Sep. - pres. Department of Physics, University of Florida
Research interests
My research interests include particle physics, cosmology and astroparticle physics. In particular, it focuses on understanding the nature of dark matter.
Tecent Meeting:
Meeting ID:726-781-694