Experimental overview on polarization in heavy-ion collisions
Speaker: Mike Lisa (Ohio State University)
Time: Nov. 16(Tuesday) 6:00am (San Fransisco), 9:00am (New York), 3:00pm (Frankfurt), 6:30pm(New Delhi), 9:00pm (Beijing), 10:00pm (Tokyo)
Abstract: It has been just five years since the first observation of significant hyperon polarization was observed in heavy ion collisions. This was, fittingly enough for this seminar series, in the RHIC Beam Energy Scan dataset. Since then, considerably more experimental results have been reported, on polarizations along different axes, with different particle species, and at very different energies-- now down to just $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=3$ GeV. New theoretical insights have been motivated by these observations, and new polarization observables and vorticity configurations have been predicted. I will give an experimentally-focused overview on this rapidly evolving area of heavy ion physics.
Chair: Zuo-Tang Liang (Shandong University)
ZOOM link: Please register here, the ZOOM link will be send in the comming Tuesday by group email. By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.
Material: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/15873/material/slides/0.pdf