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高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

Origin of Mass: from Higgs to Kaluza-Klein, and to Chern-Simons

by Prof. 何红建

Room 319, TPD, IHEP(高能所图书馆楼319)

Room 319, TPD, IHEP(高能所图书馆楼319)

报告摘要:The Origin of Mass is a most profound puzzle in physics. In this talk, I discuss the origin of mass from the 4d Higgs mechanism of the standard model (SM) to the geometric mass generation of the Kaluza-Klein (KK) gauge/gravity and string theories, and to the topological mass generation of the 3d Chern-Smions gauge/gravity theories, at both the Lagrangian level and the scattering S-matrix level. I further highlight a truly profound relation, (Gravity) = (Gauge Theory)^2 and its massive formulation, which point to fundamental clues to the deep gauge-gravity connection and their unification. 个人简介:上海交通大学教授、清华大学兼职教授。研究粒子物理、量子引力、宇宙学及交叉领域。曾在德国 DESY 国家实验室、美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校、美国密歇根州立大学等机构从事研究工作。曾获得全球华人物理与天文学会 “亚洲成就奖”,中国物理学会 “王淦昌物理奖”,中国青年科技奖,国家杰出青年科学基金,清华大学校级精品课程等荣誉。现任国际期刊 Nuclear Physics B、Research、Universe 编委。