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Cosmological collider physics: Basics and recent progress
Prof.Zhong-Zhi Xianyu
(Tsinghua University)
The recently emerged cosmological collider physics has attracted lots of attention from formal theory to phenomenology. The program aims at probing heavy particles and new interactions at the inflation scale by measuring correlators of large-scale fluctuations in our universe. Future CMB/LSS/21cm experiments will measure the cosmic correlators with order-of-magnitude higher precisions. On the theory side, it is still challenging to connect the signals with new-physics models, and the program also necessitates a careful study of amplitudes in dS space. I shall review the relevant basics and recent theoretical progress in this field.
Bio: Zhong-Zhi Xianyu is currently an assistant professor at Department of Physics, Tsinghua University. He obtained his PhD in 2015 from Tsinghua and was a postdoc at Harvard from 2015 to 2020. He works mainly in theoretical particle physics and cosmology. His recent interests include inflation, cosmological collider physics, gravitational wave astronomy, dynamics of compact binaries, superradiance, etc.
Tecent Meeting:
Meeting ID:889-976-103