高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

Possible connections between neutrino and dark matter

by Prof. 晁伟 (北京师范大学)

Room 319,, TPD, IHEP, (高能所图书馆楼319)

Room 319,, TPD, IHEP, (高能所图书馆楼319)

报告摘要:Neutrino physics and dark matter are both new physics beyond the Standard Model with solid evidence. There may exist deep connection between the two subjects, as they are both neutral, non-baryonic, weakly interaction fundamental particles. In this talk, I will discuss possible connections between dark matter and neutrinos, including the phenomenology of the sterile neutrino dark matter and the direct detection signal of the neutrino-like dark matter in condense matter systems. 个人简介:晁伟,2009年博士毕业于中科院高能物理研究所,现为北京师范大学物理系副教授。研究兴趣为超越标准模型的新物理,具体研究方向包括:中微子物理、暗物质唯象学、宇宙的物质-反物质不对称、一级宇宙学相变以及随机引力波信号等。