PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

From Kinematic algebra to scattering angle in binary black hole system (从动力代数到双黑洞散射角)

by Dr 刚 陈 (英国伦敦大学)



In this talk, I will introduce the recent progress on the kinematic algebra in Yang-Mills and heavy-mass effective theory (HEFT). The generators are abstract tensor currents of QCD in heavy mass limit. The algebra products are fusion rules between two currents. The infinite dimensional kinematic algebra is isomorphic to the well-known quasi-shuffle Hopf algebra. From the fusion rules, the BCJ numerator at arbitrary number of external legs are obtained. The obtained BCJ numerator are manifestly gauge invariance, local and fully crossing symmetric with respect to massless particles. The coproduct of the Hopf algebra is to characterise the factorisation behaviour of the BCJ numerator over the heavy mass propagators. I will also introducing the heavy double copy method and present the compact expressions for the general HEFT tree amplitudes. We use these HEFT amplitudes to propose a method to compute the scattering angle for classical black hole scattering directly from two massive particle irreducible diagrams in a heavy-mass effective field theory approach to general relativity, without the need of subtracting iteration terms. We use this method to compute the scattering angle up to third post-Minkowskian order in four dimensions, including radiation reaction contributions. 报告人简介: 陈刚博士毕业于南京大学,先后在南京大学,瑞典乌普萨拉大学,英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院从事博士后研究,即将在丹麦哥本哈根大学玻尔理论物理研究所从事助理教授工作。陈刚博士的研究方向是量子场论,引力理论和数学物理,发表论文20余篇,其中1篇发表于PRL。最近他建立了动力代数、规范不变双重复制机制,并提出了基于重质量有效场论的经典引力散射框架。他第一次实现了树级杨-米尔斯理论和重质量有效场论振幅的完整动力代数,也是首次从组合数学角度揭示了色-动对偶和双重复制的本质结构。 Tecent Meeting: Meeting ID:794-274-110