We motivate a study of grand unified theories (GUTs) with gauge groups beyond SU(5), and we dub them the non-minimal GUTs. Historically, this was first proposed by H. Georgi with the aim to embed the SM flavors non-trivially in the GUT. We will describe his rule of counting the SM generations and point out the possible relaxation of his third law of GUT. The non-minimal GUTs usually enjoy the global symmetries, as were pointed out by Dimopoulos-Raby-Susskind. Thus, they are likely to provide axion candidate that satisfies the high-quality criterion. We mainly focus on the SU(6) gauge group as our benchmark, and will explain the natural mass splitting between the (b, tau) and the top quark in the third generation through its viable symmetry breaking pattern.
陈宁,2002-2006, 中国科学技术大学,本科; 2006-2011,Stony Brook University 博士; 2011-2014 清华大学,博士后; 2014-2017,中国科学技术大学,特聘副研究员; 2017-2018,北京科技大学,讲师。2018至今,南开大学,副教授。
Tencent/VOOV Meeting ID: 873-170-053