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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

The Gravitational Wave Window to Particle Physics Studies

by Prof. Huaike Guo (University of Utah)



LIGO’s first direct detection of gravitational waves in 2015 marked a new era for not just astronomy but also particle physics,  with gravitational waves now becoming a new frontier in particle physics studies, especially in the search for physics beyond the standard model. In this talk, I will firstly give an introduction to the basics of gravitational waves, and briefly go through the various classes of gravitational waves that are currently being searched for at LIGO and by other experiments. I will then discuss the typical sources of gravitational waves in the early universe that are related to particle physics, and the novel ways that gravitational waves have been used to search for dark matter, and highlight the challenges in these studies. The theme of this talk is in line with the Snowmass 2021 white paper "Detection of Early-Universe Gravitational Wave Signatures and Fundamental Physics" (arXiv:2203.07972). 报告人简介: 郭怀珂,现为美国犹他大学博后,LIGO引力波合作组成员,2008毕业于山东师范大学, 2011年在北京大学获硕士学位,2016年在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校获博士学位, 2016-2018年为中科院理论物理所博后,2018-2021年为俄克拉荷马大学博后,2019年加入LIGO。 目前主要从事与粒子物理相关的引力波的理论研究和在LIGO的实验搜寻工作以及探测器噪音分析。 迄今已发表论文29篇,包括Physical Review Letters 2篇(其中一篇为Editors' Suggestion)、 Nature旗下Communications Physics 1篇。