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The International Workshop "e+e- Collisions From Phi to Psi 2022" will be held in ShangHai, China from August 15 to 19, 2022, hosted by Fudan University. PhiPsi22 is the continuation of the biennial workshop series, started in Karlsruhe (1996) and in Novosibirsk (1999).

It is the thirteenth in a series of meetings that started in Karlsruhe (1996) and Novosibirsk (1999), continued in SLAC (2001), Pisa (2003)Novosibirsk (2006)Frascati (2008)Beijing (2009)Novosibirsk (2011)Rome (2013)Hefei (2015)Mainz (2017)Novosibirsk(2019).

The aim of the Workshop is to review the status and progress in hadron physics at low energy accelerators and related fields. The scientific program covers the following topics:

• R measurements

• Hadron spectrosopy

• Baryon Form Factors

• Physics of leptons

• Muon g-2

• Two-photon physics

• Flavor physics

• Dark sector


International advisory committee
Ivan Belyaev (Moscow) Alberto Lusiani (Pisa)
Kuang-Ta Chao (Beijing) Tsutomu Mibe (Tsukuba)
Gilberto Colangelo (Bern) Ryan Mitchell (Bloomington)
Michel Davier (Orsay) Frank Nerling (Darmstadt)
Achim Denig (Mainz) Shohei Nishida (Tsukuba)
Antonio DiDomenico (Roma) Massimo Passera (Padova)
Franco Grancagnolo (Lecce) Stephan Paul (Munich)
Fengkun Guo (Beijing) Haiping Peng (Hefei)
Christoph Hanhart (Jülich) Lee Roberts (Boston)
Marek Karliner (Tel Aviv) Xiaoyan Shen (Beijing)
Peter Križan (Ljubljana) Boris Shwartz (Novosibirsk)
Andrzej Kupsc (Uppsala) Graziano Venanzoni (Pisa)
Ivan Logashenko (Novosibirsk) Changzheng Yuan (Beijing)


Local organizing committee
Jinhui Chen, Fudan U Chengping Shen, Fudan U
Ying Chen, IHEP CAS Xiaolong Wang (Chair), Fudan U
Fengkun Guo (Co-chair), ITP CAS Wei Wang, SJTU
Yuping Guo (Co-chair), Fudan U Lei Zhang, Nanjing U
Guangshun Huang, USTC Liming Zhang, Tsinghua U
Liang Li, SJTU Minggang Zhao, Nankai U
Yue Meng, SJTU Kai Zhu, IHEP CAS
Haiping Peng (Co-chair), USTC Heting Li (Secretary), Fudan U
Dingyu Shao, Fudan U  


Zoom links:

Day 1: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/84751870311?pwd=QWMyWGZnUVBKcnIwK1VWOVBJTWVGUT09

PW: 364688


Day 2: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/85655633736?pwd=c2pTZ0tTWEJPU0VvT2hpTjMwaXptQT09

PW: 512978


Day 3: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/89278023714?pwd=YzY3VEhHM3FmYWw2d0VpQUp1RGl4UT09

PW: 895421


Day 4: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/81814099923?pwd=OS9heGJqWEJQbGVXQVdrU1RPQXpUQT09

PW: 686641


Day 5: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/84341710309?pwd=MEg1TWJRMHBTZ05SMW5MMERHTWhqZz09

PW: 682297


WeChat Group:

Shanghai, China
Due to the current covid situation in Shanghai, the PhiPsi22 workshop will take a hybrid form of offline and online. The offline location is the Sheraton Shanghai Jiading Hotel(上海嘉定喜来登酒店) , at No. 66, Jiatang Road, Jiading District,(上海市嘉定区嘉唐公路66号). We hope you can understand the necessary expenses, including the venue, cafeteria, etc. For people attend the workshop in person, the expected fee is: — Regular: 1500 CNY (pos terminal is unavailable, you may use cash or alipay or wechat) — Student: 1000 CNY(pos terminal is unavailable, you may use cash or alipay or wechat) — Companion: 600 CNY(pos terminal is unavailable, you may use cash or alipay or wechat) No registration fee for online participants. The fee should be paid around the beginning time of the workshop. If you need to register an IHEP indico account, the contact person could be Xiaolong Wang (Email: wangxiaolong@ihep.ac.cn ). If you have trouble in submitting abstract, please don't hesitate to contact wangxiaolong@ihep.ac.cn .