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News of $h_c$ and $\eta_c(2S)$ from BESIII

17 Aug 2022, 18:15
Posters Posters


Suxian Li (Fudan University)


With the worldly largest $\psi(2S)$ samples collected at BEESIII, systematic studies of the decays of $\eta_c(2S)$ are performed. As an example, the observation of the decay $\eta_c(2S) \to 3 (\pi^+ \pi^-)$ will be reported in this talk. Based on the 450M $\psi(2S)$ samples, the mass and width of $h_c$ are updated as well as the branching fraction of $\psi(2S) \to \pi^0 h_c$. In this talk, search for new hadronic decays of $h_c$ and observation of $h_c \to p \bar{p} \eta$ will be reported too. And the upper limit of $h_c \to \pi^0 J/\psi$ will be provided. This analysis utilizes the electron-positron collision data at the energy regions above 4 GeV.

Category poster

Primary author

Suxian Li (Fudan University)

Presentation materials