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Study of a fine structure in the hadronic e+e- cross sections at $N\bar{N}$ threshold at VEPP2000

18 Aug 2022, 14:50


Evgeny Solodov (BudkerINP)


A special scan for data collection at the $p\bar{p}$ and $n\bar{n}$ thresholds has been performed at the VEPP2000 $e^+e^-$ collider. About 10 $pb^{-1}$ per point were collected by the SND and CMD-3 detectors with about 1 MeV step, comparable with the energy spread of the c.m. energy. Energy stability at the level 0.1 MeV was continuously monitored by the back-scattering laser system. We present few preliminary results of the hadron cross sections at and around the $N\bar{N}$ threshold obtained with the CMD-3 detector.

Category talk

Primary author

Evgeny Solodov (BudkerINP)


Presentation materials