【北京大学海外名家讲学计划系列报告】PKU Lectures on Matrix Model







●Title:  PKU Lectures on Matrix Model

●Lecturer: Prof. Hiroshi Itoyama

Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics(NITEP)

Osaka Metropolitan University (formally Osaka City University)



●Time:9:00 AM Beijing time

●Date & Contents:

•1st lec. : July 8 Friday: Matrix model primer

•2nd lec.: July 11 Monday: 2d gravity (and c<1 noncritical strings) I)

•3rd lec. : July 12 Tuesday: LEEA of susy gauge theory & 2d-4d connection through matrices I)

•4th lec. : July 14 Thursday: 2d gravity (and c<1 noncritical strings) II)

•5th lec. : July 15 Friday: LEEA of susy gauge theory & 2d-4d connection through matrices II)


●Zoom Meeting:830 1645 9376


Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83016459376?pwd=Q3FhczZMTjFGMWx6QytkMjB2MEhYQT09



The goal of the Lectures

is to understand roles played by matrix models in relativistic quantum field theory (and string theory).

We will mostly focus on the simplest type of the solvable matrix model, namely, hermitian one to get the ideas, occasionally referring to unitary, complex or two matrix generalizations.

We will head for two major applications in the past:2d quantum gravity (and c<1 noncritical strings) and LEEA (low energy effective action) of 4d susy gauge theory by matrices.

●The lectures will be primarily intended for first and second year graduate students having basic understanding of quantum field theory while advanced undergraduate students can benefit from them.



Hiroshi Itoyama

・BS 1979 , University of Tokyo, Japan

・Ph. D 1985, Columbia University, USA

・Research associate, 1985-1988, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

・Research associate, 1988-1992, Institute of Theoretical Physics, SUNY, Stony Brook, USA

・ Associate Professor, 1992-2002, Osaka University, Japan

・Professor, 2002-2022, Osaka City University, Japan

・Director, 2018-present, Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics(NITEP), Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan


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