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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

PKU-SJTU Collider Physics Forum for Junior Scholars (京沪云坛 No.9): The trillion degree QCD liquid

by Dr Yi Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Online (Cloud)




STJU indico cross-reference: https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/event/1251/

Zoom Meeting: 678 1474 6237 (Passcode: 286610)


Early in the universe, right after the big bang, the temperature is so hot that even hadrons can not be formed.  In this exotic state of matter (the so-called quark-gluon plasma), quarks and gluons are not confined in hadrons.  It is an excellent testing ground for the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) under extreme conditions.  At ultrarelativistic heavy ion colliders such as RHIC and LHC, tiny droplets of such matter are believed to have been created!  And so it is possible to study it in a well-controlled fashion.  The study of the quark gluon plasma in colliders is in its relative early stages and there are surprises at every turn.  There is a strong exploratory component in many measurements and it is always exciting to open the box on the results.  In this talk I will discuss some of the recent exciting new findings on this exotic state of matter, and where we might go from here.



- Joined CMS in 2007 in the MIT relativistic heavy ion group as an undergraduate student

- 2008-2014 PhD in Caltech

   - HCAL test beam work study all-layer readout and SiPM performance

   - Leading HCAL anomalous signal group and develop noise filters for the collaboration

   - Standard model Z/W+Jet cross section measurement

   - 3rd generation leptoquark search in the bbvv channel

   - Higgs CP property measurement in the 4l channel.  Developer of the so-called "multi-dimensional" (8D, or 12D) analysis method

- 2016-2018 CERN fellow, 2019-2023 MIT postdoc

   - Pioneering jet substructure measurement in heavy ion collisions

   - Jet energy calibration convener 2018-2019.  Developer of the phi-based corrections & JECViewer

   - Heavy ion physics analysis group convener 2019-2021

   - Coordinator of Heavy ion physics trigger (and jet reconstruction) effort since 2017

   - Global quark-gluon plasma property extraction with the JETSCAPE framework

   - Jet measurements in e+e- collisions with the ALEPH archived data

- 2023-? Assistant professor at Vanderbilt university

   - Starting soon!  Exciting!