
Precision Flavour Physics: Scrutiny of the Standard Model at LHCb

by Niels Tuning


Flavour physics measurements allow for scrutiny of the Standard Model to very high mass scales by investigating the consistency of multiple measurements. Recent precision measurements from the LHCb experiment on the CKM triangle and on the flavour anomalies will be presented, together with an outlook of the recent detector developments.

About the speaker:

Niels did his PhD in Amsterdam in the Netherlands in 2001 on the ZEUS experiment at DESY. As LHCb member Niels fulfilled various roles: first by helping the construction of the outer tracker, later as run coordinator, and recently as physics coordinator.


Zoom Meeting ID: 84804489835  password: 123456

Zoom link: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/84804489835?pwd=SnhWWXdqSjBWZnVwMHhGZUdNejZhQT09