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高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

Landau‘s school, Landau's puzzle on QED, and the birth of renormalization group

by Wei Liao (East China University of Science and Technology)





In this talk, I will briefly describe Landau's working style, how Landau organize his seminar and his school, the study of Landau and his pupils on quantum electrodynamics, Landau's puzzle on the asymptotic behavior of QED, and the invention of renormalization group by Bogolyubov in facing this puzzle.


廖玮,华东理工大学教授。1996年毕业于武汉大学物理系,2001年于中国科学院理论物理研究所获得博士学位,其后分别在意大利国际理论物理中心和加拿大粒子物理与核物理国家实验室工作,2007年至今任华东理工大学教授。 主要从事粒子物理唯象学研究,研究方向包括中微子物理、暗物质、超出标准模型新物理等。


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