Exploring inside the nucleon is always among the most important and fundamental topics. In the past decades, people have made good observations on valence quarks (u, d) inside the proton, around the peak of their distributions (x>0.01) via lepton-nucleon scattering, neutrino-nucleon scattering and Drell-Yan process generated from fixed target experiments. On the contrary, measurements of the sea quarks and small x regions are far from enough to understand their behaviors, due to the limited beam energy and sample size of collected data.
The LHC is designed with unprecedented high beam energy and luminosity. The physics processes generated at the LHC are naturally sensitive to all kinds of sea quarks and small x region parton distributions. Now, measurements from the LHC have already been introduced to the study of the proton structure. However, the number of relevant observables at the LHC is too few with respect to the amount of various parton information. As a result, measurements from the LHC can contribute only as auxiliaries inside the PDF global analysis. Moreover, there are tensions between the LHC data compared to the old DIS and fixed target experiments. Therefore, it has caused a widely discussion about how to bring a solid proposal of using the LHC data in the studies of the proton structure.
In this talk, the speaker will introduce a set of achievements which produces new proton structure information using the electroweak productions at the LHC.
Bio: 杨思奇,中国科学技术大学副研究员。2016年于中国科学技术大学获得博士学位,长期从事强子对撞实验研究工作。主要学术方向为W/Z物理过程的精确测量,并以此为基础开展电弱物理、QCD、质子结构等方面的研究。
Tecent Meeting: 435-361-572
Prof. Jia Liu