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October 29, 2023 to November 4, 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The progress of neutron optics development for CSNS

Not scheduled
Oral presentation Instruments


Dr PING WANG (高能所)


Over the past decade, China spallation neutron source has made significant progress in neutron optics development, mainly reflected in areas such as neutron choppers, neutron guides, and radial neutron collimators. In the realm of neutron choppers, key technologies have been overcome, leading to the successful development and mass production of T0 choppers, bandwidth choppers, and Fermi choppers. Concerning neutron guides, the preparation of a supermirror with m=3 has been accomplished, and precision assembly of the shell and on-site installation collimation techniques have been mastered. As for neutron collimators, in collaboration with enterprises, fine radial collimators have been successfully developed.

Primary author

Dr PING WANG (高能所)

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