High Current Accelerator driven Neutron Sources (HiCANS) are considered as the next generation medium flux neutron facility taking over the role of today’s national neutron sources. The High Brilliance Source HBS will provide dedicated target stations delivering ~ 100 kW proton beam power, where the instruments around the target station define the pulse and spectral properties of the neutrons source. Recently, we have finished the technical design report for the HBS comprising of four volumes, covering “Accelerator”, “Target”, “Instrumentation” and “Infrastructure” [1]. We will present the instrumentation suite that has been explored in the Volume “Instrumentation” by a large group of instrument developers from JCNS and other facilities. They show, that the HBS can host a competitive instrument suite, which is able to cover the future requirements of the neutron community.
[1] T. Brückel, T. Gutberlet, Ser. Ed., Technical Design Report HBS (2023)