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October 29, 2023 to November 4, 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The operation and maintenance status of neutron chopper system for CSNS

Not scheduled
Oral presentation Instruments


UNKNOWN 蔡伟亮 (高能所)


Since the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) began operation in 2018, 35 neutron choppers have been installed and are currently being used in the neutron instruments. The cumulative operating time of the neutron choppers has exceeded 300,000 hours, with overall stable performance but some incidents of malfunction. This report will share relevant maintenance experience. In the next 6 years, the construction and operation of neutron choppers in CSNS will continue to be parallel, with more than 30 new choppers to be put into operation in the CSNS-II project.

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