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October 29, 2023 to November 4, 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Background sources in Advanced High-Pressure Neutron Scattering Experiments

Not scheduled
Oral presentation Instruments


Zhanwen Ma (PSI)


For condensed matter physics neutron scattering experiments at high pressures are an ideal combination of microscopic probe and tuning parameter to investigate magnetic properties and phenomena. However, they require a high neutron flux and a robust signal-to-noise ratio, especially for small samples. This work focusses on the background noise within high-pressure neutron scattering experiments. It provides a comprehensive assessment for specific pressure cells and neutron scattering instruments through a combination of simulations and benchmark experiments with the aim to device more generally applicable background analysis and reduction strategy. We employed McStas 3.2 package with the Union component framework to simulate different origins of background contributions and their contribution in high-pressure experimental settings. The experimental benchmark was performed at CAMEA, SINQ, where we used a Ho2Ti2O7 powder sample enclosed within a CuBe clamp cell inside orange cryostat. Our analysis concludes with technical solutions to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in state-of-the-art neutron experiments.

Primary authors

Zhanwen Ma (PSI) Daniel Mazzone (Paul Scherrer Institute) Jakob Lass (Paul Scherrer Institute) Gediminas Simutis (Paul Scherrer Institute) Sascha Thürsam (Paul Scherrer Institute) Marek Bartkowiak (Paul Scherrer Institute) Stanislav Nikitin (Paul Scherrer Institute) Tom Fennell (Paul Scherrer Institute) Ekaterina Pomjakushina (Paul Scherrer Institute) Mads Bertelsen (European Spallation Source) Peter Willendrup (European Spallation Source;5. Technical University of Denmark) Uwe Filges (Paul Scherrer Institute) Christine Klauser (Paul Scherrer Institute)

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