Instruments: Muon target and beamline technology
- Sohtaro Kanda (KEK)
Instruments: Neutron and moun detectors
- Zhijia Sun (IHEP)
Instruments: Polarized instruments
- Gøran Nilsen ()
Instruments: Engineer diffraction & imaging
- Xiaohu Li (CSNS)
Irina Stefanescu
(European Spallation Source)
10/30/23, 3:30 PM
Naritoshi Kawamura
10/30/23, 3:30 PM
Yu Bao
10/30/23, 3:55 PM
Zhijia Sun
10/30/23, 3:55 PM
Viktor Bodnarchuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
10/30/23, 4:45 PM
健芳 李
11/1/23, 11:30 AM
Quanzhi Yu
(Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 100190)
Viktor Bodnarchuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Oral presentation
One of the priority of FLNP JINR is the development of detectors for thermal and cold neutrons. There are 14 neutron instruments for condensed matter investigation at the pulsed IBR-2 reactor. Every instrument operates in time-of-flight mode and implements certain scattering method. The performance of any instrument mainly defines by characteristics of its detector system consisting of a...
Viktor Bodnarchuk
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Gediminas Simutis
(Paul Scherrer Institute)